Corporate real estate investment

Michelez Notaires can provide expert assistance to private individuals, real estate professionals and the real estate divisions of major corporations.

We have the necessary expertise to assist you in each stage of your real estate transactions, from audit to negotiation and finalization.

Whether the real estate assets in question are intended for retail, industrial, office, or residential use, we have the expertise and experience to handle all issues concerning property rights, building permission, planning law, as well as environmental and tax-related aspects. Michelez Notaires also advises public law entities on the construction, sale and development of their real estate assets.

Audits of real estate assets or portfolios

Risk assessments and proposed guarantees. Summary reports.

Purchase or sale of real estate assets

Drawing up and negotiating contracts. Establishment of a data room, preliminary analysis etc.

Complex operations involving all forms of legal organization

Co-ownership, volume ownership, leasing, subdivision into plots, mixed development zone, long-term building leases, sui generis agreements etc.

Bank financing

Negotiation of contracts and of mortgage and non-mortgage guarantees.

Real estate promotion, planning, construction

Through its expertise and the quality of its internal resources, Michelez Notaires is able to provide specifically tailored support to numerous real estate developers.

We provide assistance in the very early upstream phases of land acquisitions (or of purchase of real estate assets requiring major renovations), in order to resolve problems relating to planning and the urban integration of the project.

We provide you with dedicated teams of legal advisors specializing in land acquisition or in pre-sale prior to completion of construction / forward sale.

Legal audit of the land parcel on which the project is based

To identify any existing problems and to tackle each problem with long-term, pragmatic solutions.

Selection and establishment of the legal organization

of the construction or renovation operation, in partnership with other advisors (architects, surveyors, planners etc.).

Drawing up of all contracts concerning the construction project

Pre-sale prior to completion of construction (“VEFA”) or forward sale (“”VAT”), sale of building for renovation (“VIR”), real estate promotion contract (“CPI”), condominium division description and co-ownership agreement (“EDD-RCP”), description of division into volume units (EDDV), articles of associations of the management associations (“AFUL”, “ASL”), etc.

For sales of buildings prior to construction

Establishment of a procedure with the developer to ensure smooth administration of each project and arrangement of meetings and weekly or daily reports between signatories.


Michelez Notaires assists several banks in their real estate financing activities.

Personalized processes:

– Audit of financed real estate assets, with a summary report where applicable,
– Drawing up and negotiation of loan agreements and associated mortgage and non-mortgage guarantees,
– Formalization of guarantees,
– Financing via leasing.

Legal organization

Michelez Notaires has developed specific expertise in the legal structuring of real estate operations, especially in co-ownership and volume ownership.

The missions entrusted to our firm include the wording of co-ownership agreements and/or volume ownership specifications, legal protection of the real estate projects conducted in a condominium, resolution of problems concerning older condominiums (reformulation of the condominium agreement, division of co-ownership into volume units).

Residential real estate

Our fields of expertise: Consulting / sales operations / tax advice

The “Residential real estate” team provides its clients with pragmatic and personalized assistance to secure and protect their real estate projects. Michelez Notaires has the tools and resources to provide individualized support for every entrusted project.

Establishment of the required documentation for the sale transaction

Proofs of ownership, verification of mortgage situation, search of applicable planning regulations, obtaining of information from the condominium administrator, analysis of mandatory technical safety surveys etc.

Michelez Notaires always aims to assist its seller clients prior to their formal decision to sell, in order to secure the offer of a potential buyer as early as possible.

Drawing up or advising on the wording of purchase offers

Drawing up of real estate contractual documents – promise to sell, sale, lease etc.

Assistance: in drawing up tax declarations with regard to capital gains on real estate.

Choice of appropriate purchase method: purchase in the client’s own name or via an intermediate structure (non-commercial company – société civile – or other legal form).



Michelez Notaires has always specialised in forestry law, assisting both institutional clients and families who own or wish to own forests or forestry groups in all regions of France. In particular, Michelez Notaires develops:

– Recognised expertise in forestry law for both sellers and buyers, enabling us to provide precise, tailor-made support for each of your projects, from the moment the property is put up for sale to the completion of the transaction,
– A privileged dialogue with specialised administrations and forestry or land experts,
– Original forest holding schemes, adapted to attractive but complex legislation,
– Solutions to restore the liquidity of old forest holdings,
– Specific fiscal support.


Michelez Notaires also assists institutional and private clients:

– Agricultural law, to assist them in the drafting of deeds for the sale of land or the transfer of company shares, the drafting of rural leases or the creation of GFAs and GFRs,
– Wine law, to assist them in the sale or purchase of plots of land or the transfer of the entire company (ownership of land, equipment, brand, etc.),
– Environmental law, to assist them with innovative projects such as carbon offsetting, biodiversity offsetting and the development of wind and photovoltaic.